Friday, January 6, 2023

Two years ago . . .

. . . maniacs from the rabid right assaulted the nation's capitol in an effort to end democracy in America, while their hero, the former White House occupant, spent three hours doing absolutely nothing to end the carnage. Five people died, and 140 capitol police officers were injured. Even after a violent insurrection that could have threatened their actual lives, a great majority of the GOP House members, that same night, voted to overturn the election results, on the basis of Absolutely No Evidence That Ever Actually Stood Up In Any Court In the Land.

Today, that same GOoPer House Caucus, after 11 tries, STILL hasn't been able to do the One Damned Thing That Has to Happen First, in order to have a functional House of Representatives - pick a Speaker. So in some ways, the assault on democracy continues. Take a good look USofA - THIS is what the GOP has to offer you: shitshow "democracy" and extreme dysfunction. The January 6th insurrection continues in a different form.

We're soaking in it.

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