Saturday, January 1, 2022

It's ON in 2022.

Happy New Year! It's 2022, an election year, and one of my intentions for this new year is to make sure I DON'T wind up thinking to myself, this November: "I should have done more to maintain democracy."

Beyond partisan politics, representative democracy is on the ballot. One party wants to make it easier to vote, while the other wants to make it harder, while giving state legislatures the right to overturn voters' decisions by lying about voting fraud. 2020 was just a dry-run / dress rehearsal. They're authoritarians, and they want govern at will, even though they are likely a permanent minority. I'm not here to argue the politics. If you disagree with me, you can disregard this post and move along. If you agree with me, I ask you to dig in deep this year.

I have a hard job that takes a lot of off-the-clock time, and a toddler, so I can't always volunteer for organizations or campaigns, but what I CAN do, is donate. So I started today with a monthly recurring donation to BLOC - the Black Leaders Organizing Committee. This grass-roots organization based in Milwaukee, WI, that does good work there, to educate and register voters, as well as issue advocacy. This was one group of many that helped bring Wisconsin home in 2020. You get more bang for your buck giving to these types of organizations, as opposed to candidates or political parties, and these groups need the money NOW, not just in late October. By then it's often too late.

Friends we have an uphill climb in 2022, but maintaining or building majorities in Congress would act as a bulwark against Trump-cultists and far-right Evangelical authoritarians further entrenching themselves and making up the law as they go along. Give money if you can. Give time if you got it. Spread the word if that's all you can do. But we need to dig deeply his coming year. Everything is on the line.

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