Tuesday, October 15, 2024

This Great Article About the Hidden Privileges of Trumpism Nails It

Trump's 'respectable' voters lie about his plans (and crimes) to dodge accountability for supporting those things

How fascism rises: Trump voters who claim he won't act on his violent promises aren't gullible. They're just lying to deflect from their support for those things.

Hunter Lazzaro at my new favorite website, UnchartedBlue.com

October 15, 2024 . 9:37 AM 10 min read

. . . What is more likely? That Trump's better-heeled supporters think he is just blowing smoke when he calls, over and over, for retributions and violence against his political opponents, against protesters, and against migrants? Or is it that they know full well he means all those things, and they like those things, and they want him to do those things—but also know that there would be serious social repercussions for saying that out loud?

The fabulously wealthy people who support Trump know what they're getting; they're not confused over it. From Silicon Valley cryptolords to the stalwart far-right backers of the Heritage Foundation and other think tanks, they want deregulation and they don't want to pay taxes—and they don't give a flying damn what happens to the rest of the country, so long as they get it.

And the not necessarily wealthy but still well-heeled Trump supporters that brush off Trump's promised and actual inflicted violence are not all innocent gullibles either; these were the sort of people who participated in Trump's Jan. 6, 2021 coup attempt, standing just behind the militia members who attacked police officers in order to allow the rest of the crowd to walk through the barricades and into the closed Capitol.

The whole article reminds me of the bizarre, surreal, unforgettable video I saw within a day or two of the insurrection on 1/6/21. The video was taken during the evening of 1.6, as things had quieted down, BEFORE Pelosi, Schumer and Pence decided to get on with the proceeding and finalize the election that night - the most consequential and critical decision of the whole debacle in my opinion, and one which I will forever credit Pelosi, Schumer, and even Pence for landing on. In the video, were hundreds of magats thronging the atrium, bar and lounge of a posh DC hotel, sharing drinks, having meals, and all a-hubbub about their big day in the Capitol. It was a sea of red hats and El Drumpfo merch, with a great many of them glued to their cell phones. SEVERAL times since then, I have tried to find the video, but it's gone down the e-hole. I really wish I could show it to you here.

At any rate, the main thing is that these people thought they were going to start a revolution, then go out for appetizers and a few drinks at the hotel afterward. As bizarre as that footage is, in a way it was reassuring. These aren't desperate rebels with nothing to lose. THEY'RE COS-PLAYING, and because they're predominantly white and privileged, many of them will get away with it. The moment anti-fascist forces, whether government-aligned or more homegrown, start really shooting back, let's just say uhhh . . . engagement in the MAGA movement is going to drop.

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