Thursday, December 28, 2023


Real profile in courage, this one:

She was about to have a rematch against the same candidate who came within 600 votes of beating her in 2022, and back then he had no name recognition. Nothing says "I'm certain I'm going to lose" more than bravely bailing on the constituents in your home district, who first elected you, and then seeking the limelight and a lot of cameras somewhere else. Will she be able to get rehired in a more conservative district? Well, there was that whole "getting-caught-with-her-hands-in-the-boyfriends-pants-and-then-getting-ejected from (I sh** you not) a performance of Beetlejuice: The Musical," . . . uhh . . . kerfluffle. So getting a job in a new and very family values-y district kinda #SeemsDoubtful. Can't wait to see her crash and burn in the churchier district. The sooner trash like this is removed from the Capitol, the better. Get bent, Boebert.

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