Monday, October 10, 2022

We're soaking in it.

Maybe we're already in WW III and we don't quite realize it. It's global, but it's not the same type of "shooting war" we're used to, except for in Ukraine. MAGAts here in the USofA have more in common with Putinistas in Russia and Bolsonaristas in Brazil, than they do with other Americans who are not MAGAts. The new type of war is supra-national (?extra-national?) and it's basically a struggle between those who like democracy, and those who just want the power, regardless of how they get it. Autocrats and bootlickers worldwide flock to the Trumps, the Putins, the Bolsonaros and Melonis, and Brexit-eers, while those who believe in democracy find local groups that are fighting that fight on their own turf. The autocrats running Beijing, and Brasilia, and Moscow, are all in kahoots - they are friends and business partners. Can the resistance to these forces say the same?

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