Sunday, December 13, 2020

Cold Civil War

With 17 GOP Attorneys General, and 126 GOP Congressionals joining Texas' insane, ultimately doomed push to overturn The Election That Trump Lost, it's become clear that the Republican Party writ large has descended officially into madness. Trump is either going to destroy it, or democracy, or maybe both. The Electoral College votes Monday. The outcome is pre-ordained. Biden will win that day. The dead-enders - roughly 2/3rd to 4/5ths of the GOP faithful, will surely not admit that: "this means it's over." They never will.

Biden will in all likelihood be sworn in on January 20th, but even that is not a given, when it absolutely should be. Left-leaning progressive Democrats, harder left voters, independents and moderates try to cheer ourselves with: "Oh they're losing all the court cases. They will lose the Electoral College. They have no legal remedy." The Trumpists don't even care, as their goons menace outside elected officials' houses with guns in Michigan, where state troopers will be required to escort electors into the capital, and the GOP Social Media scum in Arizona call for martyrs and armed conflicts against democracy. Trump has spent his entire adult life abusing the court system. Why stop now? They don't give a shit about the law. They never did. They have power. The law is just words on paper, as far as they're concerned.

"Cold Civil War;" in my opinion that about sums up where we appear to be headed. Maybe we've already been in it for years and are just now realizing it. Can a house that is divided against itself really stand? I read a fairly doomy/gloomy article awhile back by a UK based writer/economist, who suggested that things were going to continue to degrade here in this country, and in England. Now, he was probably ROOTING for further degradation, by the overall tone: "just desserts." (Yes empires deserve to fail, and fall.) Some of his conclusions I disagreed with, but he was sure right about something: he said that part of the problem was that "many Americans don't even like each other." I felt called out. It's true.

Anxious times, friends. Hang in there. We are all in this together.

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