Thursday, July 25, 2019

Post-Mueller Testimony Thoughts

The testimony itself that I've seen thus far was a bit less circumspect than I actually expected, so I thought Mueller would pull even more punches. I think the media and an unfortunate chunk of my own lefty friends-base thought that Mueller would tear off his suit, and start blasting the GOP into puffs of blood and smoke with his laser-eyes. Anything less than that, and well, "disappointment." IDK. Every single fu**ing time these clowns in the media and the GOoPers say "It's over and we don't have to talk about this Russia stuff anymore," it turns out that it's NOT over, and we are on to a new chapter. It's hard to see what will happen today, but when I saw that bauble-eyed bubble-head Andrea Martin affirming to balloon-face Chuck Todd that: "this was indeed an epilogue to the whole scandal" I got a feeling of gladness deep in my soul. My first thought was: "these clueless sock puppets are going to be just as wrong as usual."

Be like Adam Schiff, my friends.

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